Monday, August 07, 2006

o8.06.06....Bobble and friends at the Lake County Fair

Ferris wheel, Elephant Ear, Midway, Taffy Apple, Mouse Game, Cotton Candy, Industrial building, walking tacos, pony rides, fried oreos, Grange Tent, fried cheese, cow barn, midget search, horses and carnies....yes, it's that time of the year again...The Fair!
Went to take Dad bisquits and gravy in the afternoon...and he didn't even touch now I KNOW something is wrong, as he usually licks the plate. Left him sleeping and went over to the fair and met up with Susie & Jerry, Dave & Sandy and Janet, where I ate enough for both me and Dad together. Bobble and I won at the mouse game...betting on #66. Took the annual walk of the midway in search of (Jerry: "what are we looking for?" Nancy: "midgets")...the um, SIDESHOW oddities and once again proved the t-shirt true: Too many freaks, not enough circuses." Ah, you gotta love the fair, Dave.

This was Sandy's favorite ride....and only for skinny people. We had to watch from the sidelines because our number on the scale is over the limit. Wait til next year. Biggest Loser goal: to ride the bungee at the Fair!On Monday, I acted as Sister Susie's Farm Bureau Assistant and confirmed once again that if I had to be her I would cry everyday. That woman can get stuff done. Took Dad to the doctor and found out his blood pressure was so low it barely registered. Took him to the Grange Tent anyway and had lunch...and tried to get him to eat, but not much luck.
Took Dad home, stopped and saw Jamie's new apartment and back to the fair for more food and fun. Doesn't this little girl need a pony, Grandpa?

Watched Sandy's second attempt at a flip on the bungee: chicken.
Ate some more and called it a day at the fair.
Back in Indy by midnight.

Directions to here: 9 mile stretch to the main gate to the Grange Tent to the MIdway to the food walk to the gallbladder surgery, if you're sister susie! (2003)


Anonymous said...

I love your blog, it's so interesting. love the lake county fair too! I've been on a few more spontaneous road trips myself since I've talked to you last:)

nancy said...

Hi Cori...thanks for leaving a note...

hmmm..more road trips?? we should take one together that would make for an interesting blog posting!!!