Several years back, there was a particular shirt tail relative who, well, to use a nicer term than Sandy would use, was in a word: odd.
Whenever he would see Sandy out and about in town, he would insist on talking to her and would always remind her “you know, we’re related, don’t you.”
She was always quick to remind him, that no, SHE was not related.
It was Dave that was related.
She simply married a Vandercar.
So, “no, …no relation.”
Well, as you know Sandy IS related to us Vandercars and has lived with a Vandercar and around the Vandercars for over 30 years now.
And if you spend anytime with her at all, you will know time spent being related to us has given her a huge arsenal of material to use in her stand up comedy act.
Every once in awhile in the middle of a story about Dave or as she’s telling a story about my odd behavior, someone will say…”ah, leave him alone”…or they will try to defend me.
I say don’t worry it’s okay!
My sister-in-law and I have been thru enough highs…(laugh till our sides split) and lows…(I said “dinner”)…that there is very little she can say that will offend me.
And I am who I am…
And even tho we are two VERY different people,
we are each happy with being ourselves and yes, we are even happy to say
“You know we’re related, don’t you?”