Friday, September 06, 2013

Flashback Friday...The Birth of Sunday Dinner

Every year when Conner's Birthday comes around....

I thank God for Conner and the Birth of Sunday Dinner.

Sometimes it seems like we've always had Sunday Dinner....
but the truth is, it is 12 years old...the same age as Conner.

There was a time when I used to stay in Indianapolis on the weekends.
I had either Saturday or Sunday off.
I would go to the "4 corners".... Aldi on one corner...3 Thrift Stores on the other.
I would go to the movies.
I would go out with friends.
Sometimes I would drive up to Lowell for a family event.

Then Matt and Chari got married and a baby was on the way.

We gathered a few times that summer, waiting and wondering and planning with them.

Jeremy and Joe Bob built the motocross track and we went and watched them ride.
Jerry on the motocross track

We went down to Lake Village one weekend to watch the Moore Boys race go carts.
Janet and the Moore MotorSports Boys
We had dinner on a few Sundays that summer and I remember hearing Matt ask...
so are we having the "Sunday Thing" again?
"The Sunday Thing"
on Blurry Film
Grill Masters

"Sunday Thing" at Jeremys

And then that baby came and we couldn't stay away.
We had dinner the sunday after they got home from the hospital 
and we all ooh-ed and ahh-ed over Baby Conner.

Sandy marveling over how small the diaper was.
Everyone had to watch the diaper change!

Then September 11th happened...and it just seemed right to all be together....
And from then on, the "Sunday Thing" became Sunday Dinner.

It's been 12 years and countless Sunday Dinners since that summer.

Over the years, our circle has grown and we've welcomed more babies...

Held them.
Bounced them on our knee.
Waited to see what they would do next.
Watched them take first steps.

Watched them learn to give kisses.
Listened to them say their first words. 
Watched them grow up.

Sunday Dinner gave us a place to get to know our dad.
It has given us time and a place to get to know each other.
A place to laugh and be silly.
A place to cry and be serious.
A place to tell stories.
A place to share memories
and make memories

When I'm at Sunday Dinner, I often think of Mom and how much she would have LOVED to have had these dinners when she was alive. 
I think...WHY didn't we do this when she was here to enjoy them?
But then, I know why.
She was our glue.
She was the one I called on Sunday and touched base with to check in on all of the rest of the family.
She was the link...and when she was gone...
I was lost.
Wandering around Indy on a Sunday afternoon, spending my time at Thrift Stores.

Sunday Dinner gave us a new kind of glue.
Sunday Dinner gave us a place to be together.
Sunday Dinner gave us a place to belong.
Sunday Dinner saved my life.

Whether you are there every Sunday, every other Sunday or only a couple Sundays a year....
it is a place where you belong.
What a blessing for not only for us elders,
 but for that next generation.
That they are growing up knowing that no matter what, 
they have a place where they belong.

And what memories they will have!
Aunts, Uncles...
Moms and Dads...
and cousins, cousins, cousins!

It makes this memory keeper happy knowing that memories we haven't even made yet,
will be remembered years from now....
because our family had a place, a time and a tradition called,

Sunday Dinner.

Directions to here:

I cannot publish this post without giving a standing ovation to the four people who have over and over and over and over put the "Dinner" on the table at Sunday Dinner.
Susie and Sandy (aka Martha & Martha) and Jerry and Dave.....

thank you for your opening your refrigerator, your home and your hearts....

We love you.


momv <>< + said...

thanks for the post and thank you to susie and sandy:)
and i just wish for you that you didn't have to drive so far all the time!
love <>< +

nancy said...

me too.
but it's worth it!