Sunday, December 10, 2006's not a's justagirl car saga has hopefully come to an end for the i purchased Lil David's ex-cop car. I was told by both David and Luke who had both driven these cars that they go fast and the best thing is people get out of your way. But Dave took the spotlight and pushbar off before I bought it so I thought I would look "normal." But he was right...even in the dark of night...I had more R-E-S-P-E-C-T on I-65 than I've ever had in my life. I could see a car come round to pass and then hesitate, creep by me, turn it's turning signal on and immediatly get back over in the slow lane. Little do they know, that I'm justagirl with "superfreak" coming thru the stereo. The same justagirl that they passed yesterday, driving the retro-grocery getter-wagon!
However, I did get attention that I didn't want on the way home. Of course, as soon as I stepped the tire into Carmel, at once of the round-a-bouts a saw a real cop and sure enough, 30 seconds later I saw the real red and blue lights in my rearview. NO....I was not "punching it" as David told me I must do in this car. Officer Friendly pointed out to me that the plates expired in October...and advised me to get my Crown Victor butt to the BMV in the morning! (my paraphrase). So, the police intercepter has already been intercepted by the real deal!

Directions to here:

cars breaking down = headaches; sub-zero walks to the rental agency = frozen face; 2 trips to shady mechanics = frustration; buying a Cop car and never being tailgated again = priceless!

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