Monday, January 21, 2008

Bust a Move Monday....The Brothers

Biggest Loser teamwork
Go brothers, go brothers...go, go, go brothers!


Anonymous said...

nancy actually i think it is my brother ed riding my yellow schwinn, pulling mike on the skate board!

Anonymous said...

hey wow.
I was looking at that picture thinking.. "is that, like, Dave?" And Kathi was over my shoulder saying, "nahh, thats a girl!" And I said "noo, its a guy, and I should recognize him... He looks familiar.

Yes, I'm almost positive its me. you know why? because of that very cool acrylic purple board with orange wheels! The only thing that is making me not 100% is that very cool shirt.. I dreamed about a shirt like that, but I don't remember actually owning one!

The farthest I rode that bike that summer was to the flashing yellow light on route 2.. It seemed like a very long way at the time.

And Mike and Elden have been around forever.. They have always been considered "brothers".
You, (Nancy) are the "sister in law".. :)