Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Ruby Tuesday...

I was writing the blog post about Pauline Sioris and went to Sheets' website to copy her obituary and saw her picture.

No, not of Pauline.

I saw her picture and I didn't even have to see the name to know that we were related.
She looks THAT much like many of our other family members.

I saw the obituary for Marcia Shurte.

We are related to the Shurtes on the both theVandercar and Tilton side of the family.
Great Grandma Hattie (Grandpa George's mother) was a Shurte.
Great Aunt Alice (Uncle Keith Dinwiddie's mother) was a Shurte.
(I've covered all of this in a post about why Ruby looks so much like Aunt Lulu).

Hattie and Alice also had a brother named William Franklin, our Great Uncle.
He had a son named Lewis.
Lewis had a daughter named Marcia.

So Hattie ➝  George ➝ Bob
     Alice ➝   Keith    ➝ Ruby
     William ➝ Lewis ➝ Marcia

And this is why Marcia looked so familiar.
She looks a lot like Great Grandma Vandercar...and Aunt Lulu...and Pauline...and Ruby...
so you can see why I recognized her.

Recognized, but alas I did not know her.

And here is where I let out a great big heavy sigh.
Because, I can't believe she lived so long...
and I can't believe she was right there in Lowell, right there on Holtz road, that she was even Mrs. Hoshaw's landlord and I didn't even know about her.

She would have known lots of PEOPLE and lots of PLACES and lots of STORIES that I would have LOVED to hear about.

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