Friday, February 01, 2008

Flashback Friday...The Bandits

Tom's memories of Grandma Fern (see previous post), reminded me of a few particular pictures in the family archive.

Perhaps these were taken on the very day of said "robbery."
Although Tom's not pictured he may have been behind the camera!
Or maybe this is just another one of the bandits "jobs"
(maybe when they robbed Aunt Iris)
Do you suppose Elden, the horse, was their "gettaway" plan?

Directions to here:
Yes, Sandy, more black and white photos that look like we grew up in the early 40's!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Boy, Mike and Dave must have sure snookered Elden on that one. Making Elden put that saddle on and act like a horse when the man in the big house (Uncle Ralph) owned all them ponies. Or was the expert trainer Susan in the background giving them lessons.