Thursday, February 07, 2008

The Kid's Alright

Dear Reader,
Thank you for your prayers for my great nephew, Levi.

Not only does he have great taste in shoes,

but he also has great taste in genes.
Well, just as I'm sure he didn't actually pick out his cool shoes...he also didn't choose his genes. And with all the physical struggles he's endured one may wonder what's so great about his genes.

But let me tell you about a little conversation I had with the kid.

I don't get to see Levi very often.

But after he survived the scarey rush to the hospital incident after he stopped breathing, we were somewhere together and I got a chance to hold him; I quietly wisked him away for a little face to face time just between the two of us. He was wide eyed as I looked him in the eye and told him about his heritage and how he was the great grandson of someone who knew what it was like to have all kinds of physical problems but also knew how to put up a good fight and to be strong and to overcome pain and discomfort and to somehow be joyful in the midst it all. I told him that he was cut from that same fabric and that those genes were alive in him and that if he could just hold on and hang in there that those genes along with his family, our faith and the example of his great grandma and the care of our God could turn him into just as strong a fighter.

He didn't have much to say. He mostly just listened.
I think he smiled and maybe winked and we left it at that.
And as I paced back and forth I ended our conversation with a prayer for him.

So even though he didn't pick out his shoes...he's still cool enough to wear them.
And even though he didn't pick out his genes...he's still showing that he's related to and has the same spirit of one of the most spirited fighters I've ever known.

Keep fighting the good fight, Levi.

Directions to here:
Thank You God for taking care of Levi!


vande2 said...

I don't cry much Nance, but you managed some tears with that post! Our family is a circle of love. We love you all! Thank you for being you!


Anonymous said...

And keep fighting and we will all be able to say, like Grandma, "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge will award to me on that day." 1 Tim 4:7-8

Anonymous said...

i know your mom would have loved to have held all these little ones, but i know she is watching all of us and........ loving seeing us all with them. nanc you are the best:) must be in his genes....he is definately a fighter! verna <>< +

Big Papa said...

Love your little pep talk to Levi, I could not agree with you more concerning his genes and the strength that is in that lineage. However I must add, the Dr. told Luke & Tammy that Levi was coming out of his anesthetic as they were finishing up and he was starting to get antsy and pulling at tubes and wires. This made me think of another contributor to this gene pool that has also gone through much adversity, is quite a fighter, and has been known to pull a few IVs out and generally cause a raucous with his health care providers. As a matter of fact I think they may even share a name.
Thanks for the post Nancy, it did bring a tear to my eyes and made me stop and give thanks once again for those who helped to make us who we are.