Friday, June 27, 2008

Flashback Friday...Shower the people you love...

Paper bells, games, triple tied ribbons and the threat of breaking them, cake on glass plates and punch out of a bowl, small children eyeing the gifts, ribbon bouquets and twisted crept paper:

As long as there are brides to be, there will be showers.
You may not remember what you gave away or even what you got at showers,
but hopefully the memory of the day is one of
showering and being showered by love and best wishes.

We've had quite a few showers over the years
and are getting ready for the next one on Sunday.

Here's a few Bride's to be at their showers:

Janet's shower
Susie's shower
(the photographer must have been in the same seat; note small child eyeing gifts)
Susie's 2nd shower
(note same small child eyeing gifts)
Patty's shower
(note small child getting ready to eye gifts)
Sandy's shower

So, Shel get ready to pose for snapshot!

Directions to here:
Where is Verna and Steph? Anybody remember where their showers were? I must have to dig deeper into the family archive!


Anonymous said...

i have a pics in the same basement at the church with a pole... and in one of them is that same girl:) i had on lovely red and white plaid hip huggers!!! nancy you have to see these pics, i'll bring them on sunday....and guess what my shower was on june 29th! same time, same place:)verna <>< +

Anonymous said...

well same church...just different building

Anonymous said...

i just noticed...why did we have sandys shower at the house?

Anonymous said...

I think the real Vandercar question is who still has something they received at their shower!!!


Patty said...

I do. That is all I will say.

Anonymous said...

i am still using my original crock pot! i have had different ones, but i like that the best:) i received 5 crock pots! they must have been new back then? verna<><+