Dear reader, get yourself a Walker Evans book or go on line to look at his pictures from the south in the 40's.
I was sure that this Georgia, like many other parts of America had disappeared.
But God Bless Georgia.
Much to my surprise, much of back road Mid-South Georgia...STILL looks like a Walker Evans photo, only in color. The bad news is, it seems that much of it looks like this because the poverty rate must be very high it's not worth the developers money to tear the down the old and build the strip mall here.
The good news for me, at least, is it means much roadside accidental beauty for me and my camera.
I loved Georgia and it's thick history hanging in the air. I loved the laid backness of it's people on the streets and sitting on porches and when they were talking in the shops...i thought just keep talking so I can hear that drawl turn that 2 syllable word into a 3 and 4.
Directions to here:
"I can always hear a frieght train, Baby, if i listen real hard" (the counting crows)
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