Friday, November 30, 2007

Flashback Friday...The Deer Hunters

Being a sensitive child and an animal lover...I'm surprised I never questioned it or rebelled against it.
I guess being surrounded by "deer art" since before birth desensitized me.
All those antlers, mounted heads with eyes that followed you around the room and deer hooves that were shaped into hooks to hold up the gun that shot them must have numbed me to the fact that Bambi was being hunted down and shot.
Come to think of it, I have never seen Bambi.
Maybe that was on purpose.
Maybe my parents knew that if I ever saw Bambi or even read it (don't think I've done that either)...they knew they'd have a revolt.
Luke asked me last week how come I never went hunting. I think I did. At least I have a memory of sitting in a pick up truck at the end of the field. I've put out of my mind whether I was told to stay in the truck or whether I chose to go back to the truck. I remember it was cold, so I'm sure there was some whining involved. I do remember just "having to go" with the DDT's trapping and the waders being to big for me and getting soaked. That was always cold too. But trapping, fishing, foxes and clay pigeons...that's for another Friday.

This flashback Friday is about the Deer Hunters.

I still love animals, but can separate it in my mind and cheer for the boys in camo and orange this time of year. Maybe it's because I see so much history and legacy when I see their rosy cheeks and layered long johns. I see the hope that goes with them (I mean, really, what else can get Joey and Bob out of bed that early)? I see the rush of getting a shot and the "glow" that comes from getting that buck. It's a look that has been passed down from generations hence and will continue to be passed to generations to come.

So Deer Hunters, behold your founding fathers:Dad and ??

Dad, Verle Little, Uncle Ralph Tilton and ?
(back of picture says Colorado)
Looks like a Solomon, Doc Osborne ?? and Uncle Ralph
(Is this in front of the corn crib at Uncle Ralph's)?

Leo Hilt & Seth Walker
(Leo Hilt was a friend of Dad's...not sure who Seth Walker is)
And the sure shot.
Here's looking at you!

Directions to here:
Don't anyone ruin it for me by telling making me watch or read Bambi.


Anonymous said...

i know i went hunting. once. i was in 3rd grade. i was so cold and bored. i sat with luke all morning and couldn't believe that i couldn't talk to pass the time. didn't see a single deer the entire morning!

Anonymous said...

i never went and never plan to! but i knew if i wanted to be with mike, that was one thing i was going to have to accept! it really didn't bother me too much though...i remember when we were selling our big house the realtor told us we needed to take down all heads, and antlers and stuff, because some people would really be offended. verna <>< +

Big Papa said...

One of the best posts ever, I love the pictures. Thanks for the flashback, it almost brought tears to my eyes thinking of those days and all the guys hanging out at the Log Cabin telling stories. They have left quite a legacy for us to pass on. I'm thankful that I've had the opportunities I've had to do just that, and it does give me great joy to see the next generation getting so much enjoyment out of the sport and to know that they have learned to keep it a sport.

I don't know who the unidentified men are in any of the pictures except the one that you said looks like a Solomon is Pappy (Clarence) he is second from the left in the one that I believe also is in front of Uncle Ralph's corn crib. I don't know if I would have been able to name Doc Osborn, but that sure looks like Mike in front of him so I would guess it is Doc.
I do remember one trip Dad took with some of the guys out to Colorado to hunt mule deer. They are a larger deer than the white tails and it looks like from the picture they were successful. I can remember the excitement in Dad's voice as he was planning that trip, as he seldom, (other than Pennsylvania)got opportunities to get away like that.
I think it is also so cool the pictures with the deer draped over the fenders of the cars. These guys more than likely drove back from Pennsylvania with them tied on the car just like that. In those days people took great pride in a successful hunt, and people were not so easily offended by the sight such as that.
It was a different world.

Anonymous said...

After one of our trips to Indiana when Ashley was about 3 years old, she came home telling everyone about Uncle Bob's dead pets that he hung on the wall!

nancy said...


1. Love the old harvest photos (I like anything historical)

2. Way to go Munchins!! Still my favorite movie.

3. The deer blog cracked me up. I remember the first time coming to your house and, even though I had deer hunters in my family, I had never seen such a brazen display of hunting conquest. Where I came from--well, people in Carmel just didn't hang those things up in their homes. It truly made me feel like I was in the country. It was so refreshing.

And, I can't handle the violence of Bambi, so I'm certainly not going to advocate you seeing the movie or reading the book!!



Anonymous said...

I always loved that hat rack deer by the door! I remember bugging my dad to take me hunting a couple of times. Thinking back on it, they were relatively short trips because I was too loud and complaining of the cold:) I also remember grinding up raw venison one winter. When I got older, Erik or David recruited me a couple times to be the "hunting dog" and circle the opposite edge of the woods to chase the deer their way. That wasn't very fun.