Friday, May 01, 2009

Flashback Friday...Unchanged

Before there was dancewithnance productions,
there was Paragon Productions

You Remain Unchanged
is a show we produced in 1993.
The idea for the show came after I used the song as an example in a talk I gave at
Range Line church about Change.
My friend Stacy was the producer.
I was the photographer.

Back then, I clearly knew I would undergo all the changes the song speaks about.
In 2009, they have all come to pass.
And the truth is: everything has changed, but
God has remained unchanged.

Today I went to the funeral of Susie McCracken, who was our lead character in this show.
She was 49.
Her daughter, Molly is the little girl in the black and white segments.
How ironic that, it is now Molly, who is in her mid 20's, that can step into the older role.
I can only hope that this song, this show and this truth can bring her (and her 3 sisters) as much comfort has it has me over the years.

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