Monday, October 02, 2006

10.o1.o6...Behold The Wonder!

Thrift Score!
Kane County Flea Market

So, I saw this Wonder Woman mask and bought if for Phil to give to Scott, who has a thing for WW.
The Lady i bought her from said, "now put it on, spin around 3 times and lets see what happens"
...i resisted.

However, while loading the pick up truck (these girls can shop)...
I put her on and while sitting in the back of the pick-up truck...I rode thru the flea market with a new found alter ego.
Then...we got home to Hebron and Wonder madness broke out. Everyone had to try out the alter ego. Tune in later for more Wonder shots...but for now, I think it's safe to say, she's a keeper. Sorry Scott,you'll have to find your own Vintage Wonder.

The rest of the loot:

Directions to here:
Pack the bungees, pay the tolls, oasis-mcdonalds, park, haul the carts, it up...oasis-annie's pretzel, pay the tolls, unpack and wonder what to do with all this junk

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