Sunday, April 27, 2008

Speaking of Hair

Cori's comment about seeing "Hair" for the first time 3 months ago reminded me of something I've tried several times to put out of my mind.
Can you believe I made my mom take me to see "Hair" at the Crown Point theatre...when I was oh, say 12 or so...much too young to understand half the content.
But that's not the worst of it.
I made her sit 1 or 2 rows behind me and my friends.

It's one of the things that my now over 40 year old self remembered one day and ever since have wished she was still here so I could formally apologize and then have an adult laugh over it.

So, I'll say it again:

"I'm sorry, Mom : ( "
"And thank you for still loving me even when I was a surly pre-teen."
Directions to here: i guess it was rated PG..but I still feel horrible about the seating arrangement.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jerry & I saw the stage play Hair in Chicago about 1969! The first (and last) nudity I saw on stage!!'ll have to have mint juleps at your thursday night viewing this week. I'm in Louisville during Derby week!! We had one last night just because we're here. Susie