Saturday, April 17, 2010

Fixing Vandercar - Season 1 ~ Episode 1

Now that my hair has grown out and I'm almost ready for another haircut, I'm finally getting around to airing the pilot to the reality show: Fixing Vandercar.

I started the new year with a list of resolutions and broke most of them by the evening of New Year's day. But one person who has no problems keeping resolutions is Sandy Vandercar.

The first thing we talked about fixing was hair.
She told me I should make an appointment with her "girl."

But, knowing me like she does, she knew that if left to me, it would take me months to get that appointment made, if ever.
So while I slept in on Jan. 2....Sandy was on the phone making appointments for both me and Sister Susie who was looking for a new doo for her upcoming trips.

Susie opened the bedroom door and said,

"Get up! Sandy got us and appointment with Lori!
We need to be there at 11 o'clock!"

I looked at her a little shocked and dumbfounded and wondered just what I had got myself into.

(insert dramatic music here)

To be continued after a short commercial break!

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