Friday, July 31, 2009

Flashback Friday...In the Garden

I heard thru the grapevine that Grandpa Bob's garden is alive and well and that a certain grandson has stepped up to take on all things Zucchini with an obsession that matches his Grandpa's.

Kelly, when you see the vegetables perfectly stacked and lined up like little soldiers in a row, please resist the urge to topple them. Just "oooh and ah" and let him mess around in your kitchen. I'm sorry, it's in the genes and if you're lucky maybe you will get a tomato pie for Valentine's Day in 40 years...just like my mom did (to which she gently told the giver "thank you;" and "you don't have to make that again.")

Directions to here:
Having major flashbacks of our fruit filled summers. I'm on a bing cherry binge.
I think I've ate 9 pounds of cherries in the last 2 weeks : )


Anonymous said...

dave's comment was "who would take a pictcure of this". and now i am wondering, who did?

nancy said...

thru the lens of a memory hoarder.

Patty said...

did you have to ask. I knew right away who took the picture!!!

love it!!