Monday, June 10, 2013

Pure Americana

Went up to South Bend to see the film Honor Flight at the Silver Hawks Stadium.

I have been waiting for this film to be released for several years. It started as a YouTube clip called "Every Day is a Bonus" and was eventually turned into a full length documentary. It was the YouTube clip that gave me the idea for our Christmas Donation to be sent to the Northeast Indiana Honor Flight Chapter several years ago.

Now, if you've ever been to the movies with me, you know I have rules. No talking, sit in the middle of the theater, half way back and I have to be in the middle of who I'm with. The projector better be in focus and the sound better be perfectly balanced. And don't be late. Not even for the previews. Oh, and we don't leave until the credits are finished.
So, you can imagine the compromises I had to make to go see a movie at a Baseball Park.

But this is no ordinary movie.
It is a tribute.
A tribute to America and the Heroes of it's Greatest Generation.

And what better place to celebrate America and it's heroes than at a Baseball Park on a warm summer evening?

I met Patty, Jeff, Sarah and our family friend Jackie. Jerry and Susie also drove over.
The park is really nice and is surrounded by the city of South Bend.

The opening ceremonies were great. They invited all Veterans down to the ball field. 
And then escorted The World War II veterans out to the Third Base line. 

A few of them wore their uniforms and although supported by a cane, stood tall and proud.

There was a fly over by World War II fighter planes. I turned to Sarah and said, "they sound just like the movies!" But, then soberly realized for those guys on the field, the movie's sound just like their memory.

The Vets saluted the presentation of the colors and stood at attention for the playing of the National Anthem. On the other side of the field their was a gun salute to the flag...silence....and then the playing of Taps. As those 24 notes rang out....we could hear the fighter planes coming back for another fly over. 

I am telling you, there is hardly a time that I can get thru listening to Taps without tearing up, but to see those elderly Vets on the field, saluting the flag, hearing those notes mixed together with the sound of those planes it took my breath away.

The blending of those trumpet notes and the sound of the planes gave us a glimpse into what a Veteran might be hearing, seeing and remembering when Taps is played. 
The men and women they trained with, flew with, fought with and the ones left behind. 
Those left behind,
 if you ask any living Veteran that made it home, they will tell you, they are the True Heroes.

Tears fell. 
What an Honor to be there.
What an awesome experience.
The movie was really very good.
Personal, informative, emotional, very well done.
I know as we watched, each one of us had Dad so close in our memory.

It was great to follow and see this story of these particular Vets getting to the memorial, but even greater remembering our own trip with Dad to D.C.

So glad we got to do that for him.

Thanks Hoshaws and Haydens for joining me for this experience. Glad we went!

Directions to here:

Here is the schedule of public showings by state...this changes frequently as theaters and venues are added.

The dvd is available for purchase. Get it. You won't regret it.

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