Friday, January 09, 2009

Flashback Friday...The Original Wild Bunch

According to my records I owe you two Flashback Fridays.
One for Jan. 2 and one for Jan. 9.
Not a very good start on the New Year.

Anyway, here's rebate #1.

If the Ponderosa Generation thought they were the original partiers,
or the Ponderosa Junior Kids think they know how throw a party,
they don't have nothing on the

Original Wild Bunch.
Here they are:

New Year's Eve
party hats, noise makers, games
and a Poloroid.
Directions to here:
The writing on the first three shots says New Year's Even 1954. I recognize Dad in the first shot, Mom (dancing) in the second shot and Faith Little in the third. Anyone else see anyone they know? Any guesses on where they are?
The next three shots seem to be from a different party and as far as I can tell, it's in our basement, before the toy shelves were built and Dave's room was added. I can tell this because of the fabric on the wall, covering the shower and the black trunk in the last shot, being the trunk that held all the dress up clothes (that's a whole other Flashback Friday in its self).
I see Mom in the first shot, is that Biss and Inell, and Vernon Childress in white??? Actually the second shot looks more like Biss. Verle in shot three, but who else? Double click on the images, they will be a little bit bigger and start sending me your guesses!


momv <>< + said...

i want that fridge that is in the first pic...i like that our mom has an apron on at the party at their house..and if that was 1954 your mom would have had to be pregnant with patty...she was born may 54...she looked good??

Anonymous said...

Mom says the guy in the first pic is Vernon Hofferth. Barb

Anonymous said...

Mom says the guy in the first pic is Vernon Hofferth. Barb

The Farm said...

I missed this post...Gene & Eva Black are in the pics, Dolores Love, Maysie & Vernon, and Vernon and Leona Hofferth, Verle is in the last, Faith in one. Must have been their pinochle club.