Monday, January 05, 2009

Time to make it right.

Dear Blog,
(and anyone else who is listening in)

It's a new year and it's time to come clean.
I have a confession.
I've been cheating on you.
You've been good to me and I have been running around on you.

It all started when those foreigners came for a visit and lured me away.
I resisted.
But they took over and registered me and I got sucked in and before I knew it,
time I could have been spending here, was spent there.

To be fair there have been other things going on.
Movies to make.
People to visit.
Grieving to do.
All legitimate things.

But the main one has been that other site.
I think it's the instant gratification.
The constant updating.
The ability to see a lot of faces at once.

If you haven't figured it out by now,
the other place is facebook.
Yes, common, blogging for the masses facebook.
In its defense, it has helped me renew connections with lots of faces I otherwise would not see.
It has helped me keep more update on family and friends.
But alas, it has kept me away from spending time with you.

So there you have it.
I'm sorry.
I'm working out a plan to treat you right.
I'm making resolutions.
And you're on the list.
I want it all.
To have the best of both sites.
When I update my status on the other, I'll update you too and vice versa.
It might just be a line or two, but no more two timing.

There are great things in store.
Photos, resolutions, family updates, Bobble updates, family history, movie moments, stories from bookland, road trips, media reviews, video clips, found stuff, favorite things and of course, flashback fridays. The sky is the limit.

Keep talking to me and I'll keep talking to you.

Directions to here:
register for facebook and when you get sucked in, you will find it in your heart to forgive me.


Anonymous said...

I don't get it.. every time I go to someones face book page, it is... nothing. I'm missing the point. Usually (80%?) it has a unbelievably annoying background, music your not into (50%) and no real useful posts or information.

I must be out of it.

The Farm said...

Does this mean you're going to suck me in to that time-wasting face book CRAP!?? so that I can see what you're doing??

nancy said...

No, I'm still here. And making a resolution to show up more.
But if you want to see what 1,000's of your friends are up to.....or get a moonpie thrown at you......fb.
