Friday, May 03, 2013

Flashback Friday....Present in the Present

I rarely go anywhere without a camera.
You know that.
I take pictures of most anything.
You know that too.

So, I can't explain the last year or so...when I've seen people I haven't seen in a long time...friends, cousins, teachers from my childhood...and even tho, I have a sort of big girl phone with a camera, have failed to remember to take their picture.

I mean, I'm a memory keeper, story teller...for pete's sake.

Well, I can only hope it means I am living more in the moment and wrapped up in enjoying the present. happened again.

I recently took a day to visit Aunt Gladys West. When she opened the door and looked up at me over the rim of her glasses and I saw my Dad's smile on his sister's face, I almost choked on the sudden lump in my throat. We spent a good 8 hours catching up, talking, listening, telling stories and looking at old and new pictures.

It was a great visit and reminded me of how much I love her.
Rob was at work, brought us dinner and then headed off to choir practice, so I had her all to myself for most of the day.

After I left, it wasn't until I was 30 minutes north of Bloomington that I realized, I did not take one new picture! 
Memory Keeper Big Time Fail!

So, I looked thru some old pics....and found these:
This is pretty much sums up the entire day : )

(Thanks to Patty for capturing the memories at our last Vandercar Christmas in July).

Directions to here:
oh, and pssst.....
Aunt Gladys turns 89 next Wednesday : )

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