Sunday, July 23, 2006

Friday's road...Bobble and the Amish and sister #1

I woke up on Friday with a new plan for the rest of my vacation:

3 days...3 sisters.

So instead of heading south I headed east toward South Bend...but had to wind a little south to see who really is from Hicksville USA...

I wandered up and over...up and over... toward South Bend and passed thru Amish Country. Now, I know that the Amish don't like to have their pcitures taken...but they just look so darn cool...and then there is the Bobble head dog Chronicles to keep up so I just couldn't resist:

I ended up in downtown Mishawaka and met sister #1 - Patty at Eddie's Collectibles and we took a SLOW look at EVERYTHING(unlike other sisters I know). I found a few paper treasures...cause I don't have enough paper in my apartment. Then I back tracked a bit to Elkhart to take more photos of signage...and ended up in The Hoshaw's backyard watching the end of the tree house got moved to the neighbor's yard.
Directions to here: RR 2 to Indiana 101 to SR 6 to 9 to SR 20 to the tollroad by mistake to Capitol to BR 20 to 19 to tollroad 80 again to 23 to Jeff and Patty's back yard

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