Monday, March 26, 2007

Highway 41...Day 5...the morning drive

Bobble and I said goodbye to the Bontekoes in the morning and they headed to church and we headed back to the gulf coast for our date with the mermaids. After driving almost 1,000 miles and only making 1 or 2 wrong turns and getting "lost" (mostly winding roads) in horse farms (who knew Florida had so many), HOW and I mean how...can this girl get turned around on a simple turnpike? Yes, I missed the exit for the Interstate I wanted and somehow ended up farther south from the road that would take us to the mermaids and the show that started at 1:30 pm. After changing my mind several times on whether to put Weekie Wachee off for another day, I put the Crown Vic in police mode and sped, as in V-8 sped, passing cars left and right to get to the park on time. The park, as in Weekie Wachee, not THE park as in:
Yep, that's all Bobble and I saw of Disney we knew where the real Florida awaits. We pulled into Weekie Wachee, parked, paid and had 7 minutes to spare before the first show "Fish Tales" began.7 minutes til mermaids and counting......!!

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